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  • It is recommended to discontinue using aspirin and other blood thinners 10 days prior to the surgery.
  • Herbal medicines and herbal teas except green and black tea should be released 1 week prior to surgery.
  • If you are smoking it is recommended to quit it for your health, if you can’t quit it, you should stop smoking 15 days prior to surgery and 15 days after the surgery to improve healing.
  • We advise not to use alcohol 3 nights prior to surgery.
  • If you use any drug or its derivatives, please inform your doctor.
  • Please use all medicines, especially painkillers, as recommended even if you don’t have pain.
  • It is allowed for patient to start eating liquid food after 6 hours from face-lift surgery and If there isn’t nausea, patient can start normal diet. First 3 days after surgery, it is recommended to use liquid food and light food, after 3rd day patients can continue their regular diet.
  • Staying at 45 degrees sitting position on your bed at first 3 days after surgery will help the oedema to disperse faster and to reduce. In 3 weeks after surgery, lying back slightly straight without turning towards left or right will also help reducing oedema.
  • At first 48 hours after surgery, providing cold to face at intervals will reduce swellings and bruises.
  • It will be required for you to use a special bandage for your face until 10-14 days after surgery.
  • You can take a shower 48 hours after your drains are taken. However, please remember to renew your medical dressing after shower.
  • Medical dressing with antibiotic cream and baticon is recommended for first 7 days. And the next week, using antibiotic cream and keeping the seam moist is helpful but it is not essential.
  • After 3 days from surgery, you may use E-oil solution to decrease strains on your neck and face
  • It is helpful to avoid sexual intercourse at first 15 days after the surgery.
  • On 20th day after the surgery, gentle massage on seams 2-3 times per day with Kenakort A skin ointment will reduce the trails which may occur.
  • We don’t have any special dietary recommendation as an obstacle for your feeding. Drinking plenty of water is helpful.
  • At 5th and 7th day visit your doctor to remove the stitches.
  • Postoperative controls will be at 2ndweek / 5thweek / 3rdmonth / 6thmonth / 1styear after the surgery if your doctor doesn’t provide any different information.
  • You can have your skin cares made after 3 week and have your hair dyed after 5 week from surgery
  • You should know that after Total Face Lift operation (which includes blepharoplasty, tissue inoculation to face, mid-face lift, temple, neck and face lifting), face oedema will decrease after first month and you need to be patient.  After face lift surgery, your look will not change, you will only be younger than before. Only thing you need to do is to show little patience. After this operation, major face recovery happens at first 3 months, final results will be observed in 6-12 months. If you don’t need Total Face Lift and you need smaller operations (Short Scar Face Lift / Mid Face lift /Face Lift without Bleferoplasthy/ Traditional Face Lift), recovery process will be faster.
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