As is the case with other branches, adopting and applying preventive medicine principles also in plastic surgery enables us to obtain much more successful results. Along with the latest stem cell(fat graft) applications in protective procedures of plastic surgery, skin care applications that have been commenced at early ages with products containing the right substances will reduce the need for surgical interventions noticeably by delaying the facial aging.

Therefore we must take some small but very useful measures in our youth. First of all, a good skin care is necessary. The process that we call ‘‘skin care’’is to ensure skin hygiene precisely and use protective products aimed at moisturizing and enhancing the vitality of skin. I advise that the products you use during these skin care applications, must be safe dermo-cosmetic products and to get detailed information about their ingredients. It will be useful that you use products containing C,K, E vitamins and hyaluronic acid as well as DMAE but not containing carcinogens.