Arm lift operation is performed to recover the sagging arm skin due to various reasons. Especially frequent weight gain and loss, not exercising regularly, and fatty diet are the reasons of sagging arm. With the advancing age, sagging and skin cracks become inevitable. Patient who are shy about wearing short sleeves and try to hide their arms usually have problems of arm sagging.
Excess weight gain and then rapid weight loss are the most common causes of sagging in the skin. In this case, prices of arm lift operation are wondered. Women and men can feel extremely uncomfortable with their sagging arms. Moreover, it is generally not possible to eliminate this sagging with exercise or diet. Surgical intervention becomes compulsory.
Why Does Arm Skin Sag?
Arm skin can sag due to various reasons such as gravity, excess weight, inactivity and fatty nutrition. The advancing age also has an effect on the formation of sagging. The muscular structure that is not tight enough triggers the sagging of the skin. As a result, an undesired arm appearance occurs. Arm lift operation can be performed for this situation in the upper arm area. It is an aesthetic intervention with very successful results. Patient become more confident when they get rid of the sagging of their arms. In addition, they can easily wear short-sleeved clothes in summer.
One of the most important details for patient considering this operation is the price of arm lift operations. However, it can be said that this operation can be performed at very affordable prices. It would be more accurate to get a clear price information after a preliminary examination.
How Is Arm Lift Operation Performed?
It is an operation performed under general anesthesia. Patients are anesthetized and the excess skin is removed. It is carried out by a specialist physician. Patients do not feel any pain because of anesthesia. When they come out of anesthesia effect, operation will be completed and patients will be taken to their rooms. It is a quite comfortable procedure. Then, patients may feel mild pain. This can be recovered with painkillers.
Everybody can undergo arm lift operation unless there is no health problem. Even though it is generally seen at the advanced ages, it can also be seen in young patient. Paying attention to sterile conditions is very important just like in other operations. After taking necessary precautions, the operation will become quite easy and comfortable. Patient also want to learn how the procedure is performed. It can be said that this operation is based on removing the excess and sagging skin in the arm.
How Long Does Arm Lift Operation Last?
The duration of the operation may differ from person to person. However, it is generally planned to be completed in 4-5 hours. Both arms are tightened. After the excess skin is removed, operation areas are carefully stitched. Since the stitching scars will remain in inner part of the arms, it is not easy to be noticed from the outside. Patients are hospitalized for one or two nights after arm lift operation. If there is no problem with general health conditions, patients are discharged with recommendations.
Before Arm Lift Operation
Before the operation, price of arm lift operation can be investigated. After the appropriate payment plan is made, operation day can be determined. There is no extra preparation to be made for the surgery. As in all operations performed under anesthesia, there are some blood tests requested for this surgery.
Reaching your ideal weight before this surgery ensures better results. If you are still overweight and you are aiming to lose weight, you may want to lose weight with diet and exercise and then consider arm lift operation. Thus, the result you achieve on your arms will be perfect.
What to Pay Attention After Arm Lift Operation?
Since it is an operation performed under anesthesia, it takes some time for patients to come out of anesthesia effect. Generally, after being hospitalized for one night, patients are discharged and sent home with recommendations. It is important that they avoid heavy physical activities and strenuous work during the recovery process.
Patients may have pain on the first day after arm lift operation. This is quite normal and does not mean that there is something wrong. Painkillers help reducing this pain. It is expected that the pain disappears within a few days after decreasing gradually.
In addition, healthy nutrition, doing exercise and avoiding fatty food after surgery will help you keep your form and prevent you from gaining weight again.
Reviews About Arm Lift Operation
When looking at the patient reviews for arm lift operation, it is noticed that there are positive comments about the prices of arm lift surgery. Patient get rid of such an annoying problem thanks to this surgery. They comfortably wear short sleeved clothes and their self-confidence increases.
For these reasons, arm lift surgery is a very important aesthetic intervention. It has positive impact on patient’ lives. They become happier in their social lives. They become more satisfied with their reflection in the mirror. In addition, they get rid of the irritating skin appearance that occurs when they swing their arms.
Prices of Arm Lift Operation
Prices of arm lift operations are very important for patient. However, it should be known that each person is special and they need to be evaluated individually. Therefore, it would be more accurate to give price information after making individual consultation.
If you also experience skin sagging in your arms and it makes you disturbed, you may think about the operation. You can take the necessary steps for the operation after getting information about the price and other details.